AlgoWork Roundtable

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The AlgoWork Roundtable is an online colloquium on Algorithmic Management and the Future of Work. It aims to foster knowledge exchange in this rapidly evolving field of research through a mix of lectures by senior researchers and presentations by doctoral students on related but diverse topics. Everyone is welcome to join. If you’d like to give a talk, please contact Armin Alizadeh .

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To the roundtable

Date Speaker Affiliation Topic Link
2022-11-23 Matthias Weber University of Innsbruck A New Era of Control: Understanding Algorithmic Control in the Gig Economy, Matthias Go to article
2023-01-25 Isabell Lippert Technical University of Dresden Ethnographic Study at Flink
2023-02-22 Laura Schulze Georg-August University Göttingen Algorithmic Unfairness on Digital Labor Platforms: How Algorithmic Management Practices Disadvantage Workers Go to article
2023-05-31 Sonja Köhne Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) People Analytics & Participation Go to article
2023-06-28 Armin Alizadeh, Matthias Weber Technical University of Darmstadt, University of Innsbruck Algorithmic Control Configurations in Food Delivery Platforms: A Cross-National Comparative Study;Opaque Overwatch: How Food-Delivery Workers Make Sense of Algorithmic Management in the Gig Economy Go to article
2023-08-23 Felix Hirsch Technical University of Dresden Algorithmic Control in Traditional Organizations
2023-10-25 Tatjana Hödl University of Bern Content Creators Between Platform Control and User Autonomy Go to article
2023-11-29 Carsten Röttgen University of Duisburg-Essen Completeness of algorithmic management and mental well-being of employees
2024-01-31 Tiago Vieira European University Institute Algorithmic Management and Worker-Management Power Dynamics
2024-02-28 Mareike Möhlmann Bentley University Distributed Delegation Between Algorithms and Humans: The Case of Uber
2024-03-27 Alex de Jong University of Innsbruck Towards a Multi-Level Model of Resistance Go to article
2024-04-24 Luc Becker Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich Understanding the Role of Managers in the Era of Algorithmic Management
2024-05-29 Miriam Klöpper FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Hiding Behind Algorithms: People Analytics and Perceived Fairness Violation in Managerial Decisions Go to article
2024-06-26 Armin Alizadeh Technical University of Darmstadt Content Creators and Algorithmic Control
2024-07-31 Josephine Moritz Heinrich Heine University Trust in Algorithmic Management: The Role of Justice and Prior Discrimination Experience Go to article
2024-08-28 Isabell Lippert Technische Universität Dresden Temporal Aspects of Job Crafting in the Context of Quick Commerce
2024-10-30 Sina Häusler Technische Universität Dresden A Closer Look at Data Processing for Gig Workers in Germany