Analysis of the Acceptance of Cross-Agent Cargo Community Systems (CCS) in Air Freight

Aim of the Research Project:

Increasing customer requirements and the increasing globalization-driven specialization and fragmentation along logistics chains require effective and efficient cross-actor networking and communication. Here, IT solutions, in particular Cargo Community Systems (CCS), play an important role in the cross-actor, fast and flexible exchange of information. In most cases it is not the technology but the usage behavior of the actors that is decisive for the implementation or failure of CCS. Especially with CCS, which record and process data across all actors, both the complexity of the systems (inter alia due to data volume and interfaces) and the requirements (including access rights and data protection) quickly increase significantly. The influencing factors influencing the acceptance of such systems are often explained with different theoretical models (Technology Acceptance Model, IS Success Model or IS Continuance Model). However, with regard to CCS, not only in airfreight, it has become necessary to further develop these approaches in order to explain the actor behavior in a community and the success of the operation.

Against this background, the aim of the project is to extend existing, theoretical approaches to actor-wide view and group-specific behavior. In the process, it should be considered which influencing factors (drivers and barriers regarding confidentiality, data security, transparency, quality of data, competition aspects, incentive systems, competences and behavior of the users) are generally found among participating actors, how these influence the acceptance of the CCS and how a cross-actor Diffusion of the CCS can be achieved.

Key Data:


Project Duration: February 2017 – April 2018

Funder: House of Logistics & Mobility (HOLM)

Partners: Fachgebiet Unternehmensführung und Logistik (TU Darmstadt) , Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Rhein- Main, AirCargo Community Frankfurt e.V.

Publications & Press:

This project (HA project no.: 534/17-16) is funded by the State of Hesse and the HOLM funding within the framework of the measure “Innovations in Logistics and Mobility” of the Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Regional Development.