Aim of the Research Project:
Blockchain technology, which is the basis for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has tremendous potential in many industries. The electronic validation of certifications offers enormous potential in terms of safety standards and efficiency improvements in air freight. The supply chain in the area of air freight shipments is of particularly high safety relevance. To protect against attacks, special security requirements apply in this supply chain. The actors involved must therefore demonstrate and comply with a large number of protective measures, which leads to additional administrative work (including documentation, staff training) and to high process times and costs. The implementation of the blockchain technology offers perspectives here, not only to further increase security, but also to enable more efficient and faster processes at the same time.
The project has three goals. First, a proof of concept will be developed for electronic, blockchain technology-based documentation and testing of transport certificates in the run-up to the air freight supply chain. In the course of this, it will be evaluated how a digital certificate validation at the European air freight hub Frankfurt can be meaningfully established. Second, a precompetitive Minimum Viable Product is created, which evaluates possible technical implementation options. In particular, site-specific and airfreight-specific requirements are to be taken into account, which influence the design. Third, a longitudinal study is to provide scientific proof of the extent to which the solution developed increases the sense of security when checking transport certificates in airfreight.
Key Data:
Project duration: August 2018 – October 2019
Funders: House of Logistics & Mobility (HOLM)
Partners: , Fachgebiet Unternehmensführung und Logistik (TU Darmstadt) Créémedia GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
This project (HA Project No .: 651 / 18-74) is funded by the State of Hessen and the HOLM funding within the framework of the measure “Innovations in Logistics and Mobility” of the Hessian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Regional Development.