
The Institute of Information Systems & Electronic Services is led by Prof. Alexander Benlian. Get to know our team!

  Name Contact
Prof. Dr. Alexander Benlian
+49 6151 16-24310
S1|02 239
Secretarial staff / Administrative-technical staff
Belgin Iren
+49 6151 16-24311
S1|02 240
Postdoctoral Candidates
Dr. Lea Müller
S1|02 232
Research Assistants
Armin Alizadeh M. Sc.
S1|02 232
Sebastian Bartsch M.Sc.
S1|02 247
Christopher Diebel M.Sc.
S1|02 247
Maria Doerr M.Sc.
S01|02 231
Marc Goutier M.Sc.
S1|02 230a
Paula Jaki M.Sc.
S01|02 231
Ria Saha M. Sc.
S1|02 248
Jan-Hendrik Schmidt M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-25731
S1|02 230a
Daniel Stäcker M.Sc.
S1|02 248
Nane Winkler M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-24358
S1|02 230a
External Research Assistants
Nico Baum M.Sc.
Bradley Kalgovas
Annika Reinelt M.Sc.
Student Assistants
Clemens Hennemann B.Sc.
Maike Klingemann
Filip Simić B.Sc.
Pascha Sobouti
Former members
Prof. Dr. Martin Adam
Picture: ISE
Dr. Miglena Amirpur
Picture: ISE
Dr. Evgheni Croitor
Picture: ISE
Dr. Matthias Fischer
Dr. Anjuli Franz
Dr. Tobias Goldbach
Picture: ISE
Prof. Dr. Steffi Haag
Dr. Johannes Klumpe
Picture: ISE
Dr. Marco Link
Dr. Julian Löbbers
Dr. Nicole Nohl
Dr. Marc Pinski
Dr. Konstantin Röthke
Picture: ISE
Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Thies
Picture: ISE
Dr. Jonas Toutaoui
Picture: ISE
Dr. Sören Wallbach
Dr. Charlotte Wendt
Picture: ISE
Prof. Dr. Michael Wessel
Former External Research Assistants
Picture: ISE
Dr. Elena Davcheva
Picture: ISE
Dr. Tillmann Grupp
Picture: ISE
Dr. Ingmar Haffke
Picture: ISE
Dr. Oliver Francis Koch
Picture: ISE
Dr. Dominick Kosin
Picture: ISE
Dr. David Schneider
Picture: ISE
Dr. Nils Siegfried
Picture: ISE
Dr. Viktoria Trofimow