Registration and submission of the paper
The current information on registration and submission of the work can be obtained from the Office for Student Affairs or on the of the Department of Law and Economics. Please note that for external theses an application has to be submitted to the Board of Examiners (external thesis according to § 23 Abs. 4 APB). You will receive the corresponding form as well as all necessary information in the Office for Student Affairs or on the website of the Department of Law and Economics. website
Process for writing papers at the institute
The following process serves as an orientation aid for students, especially for the application and coordination phase. Further information and orientation can be found in our (opens in new tab) . concept paper on theses
For an introduction to scientific work, we recommend the book “Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Wirtschaftsinformatik-Studium” (authors: Bergener, Clever and Stein). The full version is available to students for free via the . ULB portal
Style sheet for Microsoft Word/EndNote and Latex
For the preparation of thesis, term papers and research papers, the department provides an MS Word style sheet. For correct use you need the . Alternatively, you can use the TU Darmstadt font ISE Latex Template
Presentation template PowerPoint / think-cell
For presentations we provide a PowerPoint template:
is a Microsoft Office add-in that integrates seamlessly with PowerPoint, allowing you to create and manage complex chart types such as Marimekko, Gantt, and Waterfall charts in minutes. In addition, think-cell PowerPoint adds further extensive design and functional elements. The software can be used free of charge by the students and teachers of the TU Darmstadt. Students can obtain licenses through the supervisor of their work at the research group. think-cell
Survey Tool – SoSci Survey
is a professional tool for your online survey. It is extremely flexible and efficient. There is no need to install any software. SoSci Survey is running on a survey server and is handled through your internet browser. If you need access to the TU Darmstadt SoSci Server for your thesis, please contact your supervisor or SoSci Survey
An ISE format template can be found here: . This can be integrated into SoSci via “Questionnaire -> Questionnaire Layout”. ISE format template